Soundings: An Exhibition in Five Parts

by Greg Locke / All News, Sound Symposium Presents, Uncategorized
February 28, 2022


Sound Arts Initiatives, Inc. (Sound Symposium) is excited to be partnering with The Rooms this year for Soundings: An Exhibition in Five Parts. On display at the Rooms in March.

Friday, March 11th we are pleased to present the first performance of our partnership with The Rooms featuring the inimitable Inuk soprano Deantha Edmonds interpretation of the Tania Willard piece featured here. We hope to see you there! 


The Exhibition:

Curated by Candice Hopkins and Dylan Robinson, Soundings: An Exhibition in Five Parts features newly commissioned scores, performances, videos, sculptures and sound by Indigenous and other artists who respond to this question. Unfolding in a sequence of five parts, the scores take the form of beadwork, videos, objects, graphic notation, historical belongings and written instructions. During the exhibition, these scores are activated at specific moments by musicians, dancers, performers and members of the public gradually filling the gallery and surrounding public spaces with sound and action.

The exhibition is cumulative, existing within an ever-changing community of artworks, shared experience and engagement as it travels. Soundings shifts and evolves, gaining new artists and players in each location. Some artworks have multiple parts, others change to their own rhythm as the exhibition grows.

At the core of the exhibition is a grounding in concepts of Indigenous land and territory. To move beyond the mere acknowledgement of land and territory here means offering instructions for sensing and listening to Indigenous histories that trouble the colonial imaginary. Soundings activates and asserts Indigenous resurgence through the actions these artworks call forth.

A key aspect of the exhibition is a performance and sharing of knowledge by the artist. Greg Staats. To learn more, please click here.


Raven Chacon and Cristóbal Martínez, Sebastian De Line, Camille Georgeson-Usher, Maggie Groat, Aaron Leon, Kite, Germaine Koh, Tanya Lukin Linklater, Logan MacDonald, Ogimaa Mikana, Peter Morin, Diamond Point and Jordan Point, Heidi Aklaseaq Senungetuk, Greg Staats, Chandra Melting Tallow, Olivia Whetung and Tania Willard, with more performers, artists and composers invited to respond and create new works as the exhibition travels to each new venue.